How to simplify and secure a WordPress installation for kid’s use? This guide focuses on privacy, security and ease of use. Thus secure access is enforced, a login is required and some UI sugar will …
Continue readingAuthor: Marcel
Publishing a CSS User Style as Firefox Extension
To provide the FocusFinder User Style to Firefox users that do not have the Stylish or Stylus browser extension, I want to create a simple Firefox extension that just applies these CSS rules. How easy …
Continue readingAn embeddable single file QR code generator
As HTML/CSS/JavaScript exercise I created* a QR code generator, which is embeddable into any website. It’s even usable offline, because it’s just a single HTML file. Try it And here’s how you embed it, as …
Continue readingRunning NxFilter on a Synology DS115j NAS
To free up my other Raspberry Pi from being a DNS server and to use an already existing NAS on my local LAN, I decided to try to install NxFilter (my favourite DNS filtering solution) …
Continue readingThe web, with (your) Style
While the web (besides time machines) is styled much nicer than ever, this does not always mean, it’s your style, nor that user experience is much better for you. Two powerful tools, UserStyles and Greasemonkey (Tampermonkey …
Continue readingInstalling the Samsung C480W printer on Ubuntu Linux
tl;dr; As Linux user, do yourself a favor and consider the Samsung C480W printer. Update: When scanning after Ubuntu upgrade does not work I wanted to get rid of my old HP PSC 1215 All-in-One …
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Controlling a Playmobil® crane over ssh
One of my sons recently received this fine, Infrared (IR) remote controlled crane model as a gift. Would it be possible to rebuild the IR remote control with a Raspberry Pi? Catching the signal To …
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Running NxFilter on a headless Raspberry Pi
NxFilter is the best free solution for a self-hosted DNS server/filter I have found so far. Today I got my Raspberry Pi, so how about running NxFilter on a headless Raspberry Pi in a family’s home …
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